A star I was drafting for a mixed media/home dec project...
I bought two wall hanging kits from Keepsake Quilting to go in the master bedroom of my new place. They go so well with the bed set...I can't decide wether they will be used as drapes for two bookshelves (my original intention), or as something to hang on the wall over the bed...I went to Jo Ann Fabrics for upholstery fabric and they had all these tote bags to buy cheaply with your purchase. I couldn't resist this one. My mother who was with me bought a bag also. All night we quibbled over dinner as to who bought the prettier bag!Although I just re-upholstered this chair last week, the fabric I just bought will be used to re-upholster it again in a yummy chocolate brown faux leather. There is a counter built off and extending from a wall where one chair ends up in the kitchen, the other in the living room. The brown works better for both rooms.Here's this wall hanging, in progress. It is hard to photograph because of the iridized Angelina film tucked under the openings in the green fabric . It looks like stained glass. I know I am going to do more with this project. But for now, I am enjoying them flanked on either side of my entertainment stand.I bought this sand castle from Toscano Design. Looking at their web site and through their catalog is very inspirational for someone working on home dec projects. I love my sandcastle sitting on this shelf by this large quilted wall hanging I made. I just need to add some beach shells!Well, that's what I have been up to this past week! I will try not to let the time lapse quite so much before my next post! Until next time, take care!