Mission Statement

This is a blog in which I intend to reach my goal to draw/paint a thousand faces! Welcome, and come along for the journey!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rainy Day Painting

Tropical Storm Beryl has dumped quite a lot of rain on Florida. It's good for indoor activities like cleaning house and pastel painting, anyway. A few posts back I mentioned my wanting to do some non-face related pieces, and so I have done some. I thought I would share.

A lot of pastelists are under painting their pieces with watercolor these days. I have been dabbling with under painting limited areas of some pieces with quality colored permanent markers. A person can pretty much decide how much they want it to show through or if they want to cover it up entirely. In these two particular pieces, I'm not sure there was a whole lot of benefit in using it, but I like the ink drawings in themselves before any pastel went on the pages. Just a different look.

With the shells, I actually explored the piece both digitally, as well as with the pastels. I thought of having some custom made fabric printed with the shell design to use for some chair seats I wanted to re-upholster. Not so sure I will follow through, but I may order a swatch, if only out of curiosity to see how this particular Pantone color will print.

Well, that's all for this rainy Tuesday here in Florida. Until next time, take care!