
The next three are done in colored pencil. Colored pencil, while it doesn't have the richness of soft pastels, or paint, is still an excellent choice for illustration.
Face #84 (the shirt is actually done with marker)

Face #85 (a layered colored pencil technique)

Face #86
A close-up of face #86. Even though it doesn't appear to be too complex at first glance, there is a lot of shading. The skin tones of the face are done in about seven different colors of pencil. Conversely, the pear is done with only one colored pencil (except for the stem), and the varying shades of green are achieved through different amounts of pressure on the pencil.
The next faces are done in ink. Ink tends to be very edgy on its own, without the need for a lot of color to mute that effect. There are people in the comic book industry who do nothing but the inking!

Face #90
Lastly, two more faces done in pencil. Pencil is the most immediate of any drawing tool I use; just grab and go. Also, whether it's an ink drawing, a pastel or acrylic painting, or a colored pencil illustration...they all start with a sketch in pencil.Face#91

Face #92

Hope everyone reading had a nice Thanksgiving! I sure did!