Mission Statement

This is a blog in which I intend to reach my goal to draw/paint a thousand faces! Welcome, and come along for the journey!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What About Bob?

This was Bob (face #93). 
He was walking through the office with his brown-bagged lunch, when he was suddenly aware that he was in a land of giants...One of the devices used to show depth in a painting/illustration, is vertical placement. So through the magic of Photoshop, I moved Bob up to where he belonged so he would no longer be in a land of giants. The illusion of distance/depth has been achieved. I played some more,and changed the scale of Bob, but didn't post the pics here.In the end, Bob was erased. In the end, Bob was replaced...by a departure gate at an airport! 
A couple of ink drawings are up next...
Face #94
Face #95
 Next, some pastel paintings...
Face #96
Face #99
And last, but not least, a pencil drawing in progress...It is 18" by 24" , so I couldn't scan it. Sorry for the low quality of the pic...But you can still double click to zoom in for a better look!
Face #100
I can't believe I am a tenth of the way to my goal!!!!