Even a lowly pencil sketch gets elevated in quality on this toned paper intended for pastels. I even broke out the blending stumps for these first two.
Face # 44

But these next three are done on some really low quality sketch paper....
Face #45

Face #46
And a low quality sketch paper for pencil renderings, for the most part, is fine. I was pleased with the way this little girl at the beach turned out, except after drawing it I realized her head was slightly out of proportion. I erased it, but when I went back in to add in the delicate facial features I had an inconsistent grain of the paper due to the erasure. It was impossible to render the face as finely as I wanted to, some areas filling with an uneven amount of lead because of the damaged surface.Face #47

Of all these drawings, the girl at the beach is most likely the one I would want to do on a larger scale, and in color. I will be sure to take care in the surface I choose!