The 27th (yesterday) was my one year blog anniversary. The only reason I remember is because it is also my son's birthday, which is when I started this blog. So one year has gone by, and I am just one face shy of the half way mark to reaching my goal. Truthfully, I thought I'd be farther along by now. But beyond having a life outside this goal, it is not suffice to me if there is quantity and speed, but no quality or purpose of study in the work. This piece above is 19" by 25", in pastel. I am not sure what direction I will take it, theme-wise, should I continue with it. In the meantime, it has proven to be another study for me. I am still playing with the new pastels I received on my own birthday last month, as well as the Canson sheets (both of which I have been very pleased with)! I still haven't gotten around to using the gift certificate I also received on my birthday for more goodies at Dick Blick (art supplies)!!!
Until next time, take care!