What I particularly gravitated toward in the rendering of the two pieces below, was the placement of subjects in relation to one another and the way I wanted them to appear to merge shape-wise. I wanted the lines or shading that clearly separated them from one another to be evident, yet also wanted the placement to show connection. I wanted more than the randomness of simply two characters on the page together...something more deliberate for design unity. But there you have it, faces#795-#798.
I would have hit the 800 faces mark by now, if not for being so otherwise preoccupied. Since I thought the chemo-therapuetic drugs my rhuematologist prescribed for my RA were a little too extreme, I decided to try a nutritional therapy and have been wrapped up in research and follow through with that for the last two weeks. It is a gluten free, vegan diet (which I suppose is also kind of extreme). But after the first two days I saw results, and have not needed to take any NSAIDS for pain for just over 14 days now, not to mention having dropped some weight, and lowered my blood pressure. The only thing I really miss is the coffee! But I'd rather be able to walk and draw (though not both at the same time)! I will probably do an extended post about this in the future since I think a lot of other people with autoimmune, systemic disorders can get some serious pain/symptom relief from modifying diet and removing foods that are inflammatory.
Until next time, take care!